Thursday, October 7, 2021

Flight Tracker Southwest Flight 1780

There is little reason to be afraid of your fellow passengers on a plane. There have been no reports of super-spreading events on any flights. Just the fact that most people are wearing masks reduces any risk greatly. Total compliance is not necessary for increased safety. As for getting people convinced that it is okay to fly again, do you think that having to wear a mask indicates safety?

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - There is little reason to be afraid of your fellow passengers on a plane

People are overwhelmingly innumerate and negatively biased. It is difficult to catch virus unless you spend an extended period of time in close proximity of someone who is sick and sending droplets or aerosol into the air in a space with poor ventilation. Also, people don't talk all that much on planes and talking produces droplets. Unless you are directly adjacent to someone who is sick and constantly coughing without a mask, it is highly unlikely you will get COVID-19 from flying.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - There have been no reports of super-spreading events on any flights

You should be far, far more worried of dying in a car crash. This is discouraging for a couple of trips I have planned later in the summer. I have no tolerance for people not wearing masks on a plane. They should be arrested for not following crew instructions, banned from the airline, and plane diverted and offload them. That announcement of what will happen should be made at the boarding gate and by flight attendants on the plane before leaving the gate.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Just the fact that most people are wearing masks reduces any risk greatly

And yes the airlines need to be able to ask for medical documentation if they say they can't wear a mask. Rather than seeing art institutions as primarily a late Victorian phenomenon, this book seeks to explore their development from their origins in the late eighteenth century. In particular, it will reject the view that one particular set of cultural ideas ever came to dominate the public art movement.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Total compliance is not necessary for increased safety

This volume will explore art institutions as key elements of the urban public sphere, as agents for social inclusion and, eventually, as cultural democratisation. Although managed largely by a small segment of the urban middle class, art institutions could exercise influence only if they were public bodies, promoting a public purpose. By the 1850s this meant advancing the interests of all classes, through the spread of cultural knowledge and visual literacy. Sometimes this was to be done for narrow instrumental purposes; sometimes a 'higher' objective was postulated. Sometimes this was primarily to serve the civic community, sometimes to advance the self-improving aspirations of the individual. Southwest stops minor from 1 st day of school.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - As for getting people convinced that it is okay to fly again

Genius mom booked trip 2 months early on line. Through the journey, customer service reps presented themselves as managers, they researched previous flights, they (john &lori) ORF had no information about me the mom. They come up w/all kinds of crap at the ticket counter. We were offered to reschedule until a fee of 50us could be paid. That's why we booked early to avoid this type of confusion. Consumers like to travel ob the weekends when conveniently no real management works.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - People are overwhelmingly innumerate and negatively biased

Now southwest has merged w another co and they will be so large no one will knoe what the hell is going on. Well we all know how ridiculous flight travel has gotten. When I start flying with Southwest, I have had nothing but great experiences with flights, check-ins, flight attendants/crew, and overall customer service via the 800 number.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - It is difficult to catch virus unless you spend an extended period of time in close proximity of someone who is sick and sending droplets or aerosol into the air in a space with poor ventilation

In 2011, Southwest paired up with Chase Credit Card to offer their customer, who were approved, a Southwest/Chase Credit Card with 2 FREE Round- Trip Flights. In 2012, I decided it was time to try and take a trip. I called the corporate office of Southwest (via the 800#) and was told that the 2 FREE Round-Trip tickets had expired and in order to have them reinstated, I must write a letter and pay a $50 fee for both tickets . Unfortunately, the letter was never received by Southwest Corporate Office- so essentially, I am out of 2 FREE Round-Trip Flights because Southwest did not receive my letter. Now, Southwest has transferred to a new system and only uses "points" and no longer honors "vouchers".

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Also

It saddens me to know that Southwest is losing a lifelong customer over 2 FREE Round-Trip flights. I hope that my attempts online are seen by the correct person so that this may be reconciled. The emergence of a powerful cultural life in industrial towns, such as those in Lancashire, coincided with the rise of the middle class to urban political dominance. This has led some authors to see 'culture' as the outgrowth of an essentially materialist struggle.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Unless you are directly adjacent to someone who is sick and constantly coughing without a mask

This notion of culture, or more specifically 'high culture', is often associated with the capitalist desire to maintain the economic value of specific accumulated assets, such as picture collections. Art institutions often played an important role in this process of promoting specific schools and thus maintaining the value of particular collections. First, a civic institution was a collective effort which emphasised the production of an external, specifically public good – an exhibition, a lecture or a programme of education. This was essential in providing the public justification for, and legitimisation of, art institutions. To limit the benefits of the externality too narrowly damaged both the reputation of the institution and its constituent membership.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - You should be far

This approach neglects the complex cultural preoccupations of the period and fails to engage with the ways in which these preoccupations themselves shaped the category of culture. I am based in NYC and wear my mask when I am out. I also wore my mask throughout my entire round trip flight to and from KY last week.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - This is discouraging for a couple of trips I have planned later in the summer

If people are going to try and police others or shame them, don't fly. Let people be exactly that, people with freedom to do whatever they want. If an FA wants to tell a customer to put their mask on, let them. Otherwise, worry about you or again, don't fly/travel if it's bothersome or concerning. It's only going to get worse as the summer rolls on. Public health officials really shot themselves in the foot by trying to downplay the risks of the virus in the early stages of the pandemic and then obviously politicizing the problem as time went on.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - I have no tolerance for people not wearing masks on a plane

Dr. Fauci said on February 29 that "you don't need to change anything you're doing." This was poor advice. Why in the world would China have placed Wuhan on such a strict lockdown if the virus was not something to worry about? The CDC didn't recommend that everyone wear masks until April 3. Asymptomatic spread of the virus was always known to be a possible risk.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - They should be arrested for not following crew instructions

A first case was erroneously reported on January 31. An asymptomatic case with normal chest CT imaging was correctly reported on February 21. Officials clearly knew that asymptomatic spread was possible by the time Dr. Fauci made his statement on the Today show. Why did the CDC wait until April 3 to recommend everyone wear a mask? If it was because officials were worried about protecting supplies for health care workers, that is somewhat understandable, but was it necessary to outright lie about the efficacy of masks before then?

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - That announcement of what will happen should be made at the boarding gate and by flight attendants on the plane before leaving the gate

If they recommended using homemade ones then, why couldn't they have made the same recommendation weeks earlier? Why were public health officials so adamantly opposed to them when they were for re-opening the economy but supportive of the much larger and more chaotic ones after George Floyd's death? I never said COVID-19 wasn't a serious illness. I also mentioned that the vulnerable should be protected.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - And yes the airlines need to be able to ask for medical documentation if they say they cant wear a mask

I don't want to kill any grandmas, but try to smear me all you want. If you don't want your grandma to die from COVID-19, tell her to stay at home. I've mentioned in other posts that I started wearing a mask in January.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Rather than seeing art institutions as primarily a late Victorian phenomenon

I've flown about 20 segments and 50,000 miles. I take proper precautions and practice good hygiene. I am merely stating the facts since so many people only pay attention to scary headline numbers and pointing out the failures of the so-called scientists.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - In particular

Ultimately, people should be allowed to make up their own minds about going out and traveling. Healthy people shouldn't be treated the same as the vulnerable and the economy shouldn't be destroyed on the basis of fear. Do you actually read the papers being reported on or do you just read the headlines and credulous reporting?

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - This volume will explore art institutions as key elements of the urban public sphere

I've also looked at papers regarding prevalence of GGOs in other influenzas, namely H1N1, which infected between 700 million and 1.4 billion people globally. GGO prevalence seems to have been much higher than those reported in the recent Scripps paper. Were people on mask patrol and losing their minds over the swine flu? Common sense is sorely lacking and the sensationalizing and flip-flopping by the media and public health officials destroyed any trust the public had in them.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Although managed largely by a small segment of the urban middle class

People should have been wearing masks all along, but the experts and officials blew it. Being ordered to stay at home for a threat that is not existential is not freedom. Being ordered to wear a mask for a threat that is not existential is not freedom. This is not to say people shouldn't be wearing masks. I started wearing one when traveling in January.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - By the 1850s this meant advancing the interests of all classes

It is not surprising that many people among an already independent-minded population would end up skeptical of the party line. I have been writing books for years and selling them on from my web site. Now, with the new regulations in place for the usage of computers on board the air crafts, I think I might have a good idea for your fine company. With my books, all are G Rated, give each passenger the opportunity of reading as soon as they board the plane and exit upon landing. Through a simple wifi system on board these books will keep the passengers occupied and relaxed by reading the time away throughout the duration of the flight. My books take from two to four hours to read, which is about the normal time for a domestic flight.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Sometimes this was to be done for narrow instrumental purposes sometimes a higher objective was postulated

These books would cost the airlines pennies a flight and would be a good advertising campaign. Quantas has been doing this for a few weeks and the passengers like it. I have over forty books for the passengers to choose from and I am writing more.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Sometimes this was primarily to serve the civic community

On Feb 19,2013 I purchased 5 tickets to fly to San Fco. When it was time to make the trip my son was not able to take the trip They told me I would get a credit and I tried to us the credit in December, I was told I could not use it that Oscar had to use it. I explained that I had purchased the tickets not my son. I spoke to a man in customer service and explained the whole thing to him. I had to prove that I paid the tickets with my credit card and the numberof the card I used. I did and he told me that they would make this one time exception.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Southwest stops minor from 1 st day of school

Oscar Sr would use the credit instead of Oscar Jr. I told him I wanted to use the credit in Dec. to go visit my son in San Fco. He told me I had to wait for the new confirmation number , that I would get a email with the new number. To this day I have not recieved a email from Southwest.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Genius mom booked trip 2 months early on line

I have called and I have to argue with every person I talk to because I get no where. They claim they sent a email and I ask them to what email address they sent it to and there response is " can you verify your email address. Really if they sent an email why do I have to verify my email to them. To them $236.00 is not alot of money but to me it is.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Through the journey

I have tired to talk to them and I get no where. I think I should get me money back not a credit because I dont plan on traveling any time soon and do not plan on traveling with Southwest. They claim I can not transfer funds to another person, I am not transfering funds, funds used were my in the first place. I brought the ticket for my son because he could not pay for it. As anAlist preferred customer, I fly SW many many times per year. My recent flight DEN/BOI, I experienced the worst customer service The gate attendant, Bobby, pulled me from the boarding line to say my "lunch bag" was too large and I would need to consolidate boarding items.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - They come up wall kinds of crap at the ticket counter

And I quote "not that bag of lunch sister, you'll need to check your bag'. I gate checked my roll on and made it to the plane. I waited so long I lost my A list and ended up in back of the plane. While waiting for my gate checked bag receipt, Bobby entered the plane, came to my seat then before I could say thank you- she bent down and was in my face stating" you just write that letter!

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - We were offered to reschedule until a fee of 50us could be paid

As I've never written a 'letter' to complain to SW, I am now. For a Customer first airline, this gal was incredibly rude and threatening. No wonder she is grounded off of planes and only a terminal attendant. What an embarrassment for SW with all the troubles you are having. My advise as an attorney- this gal needs to find a new job before she hurts someone physically.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Thats why we booked early to avoid this type of confusion

Please respond to me ASAP with your solution to this SW employee's behavior and your recourse. We shouldn't even have to enforce wearing a face mask. Thats just something responsible people and non-knuckle heads should be doing anyway.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Consumers like to travel ob the weekends when conveniently no real management works

There is a reason why all of the asian countries dealt with this pandemic far better than the usa. They were wearing masks since before we call this pandemic a pandemic so they were already protected. There is no reason why cities that are far more densely populated than nyc like Seoul, tokyo, bangkok and manilla should have such a lower rate of incidents than most US cities. And for all those who decided to turn it into a political issue, I get why your life is so terrible because you make terrible life decisions like politicizing masks. I have never said people shouldn't wear masks.

flight tracker southwest flight 1780 - Now southwest has merged w another co and they will be so large no one will knoe what the hell is going on

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